
NOTE: If you prefer to print the application to complete and mail with your check for membership click here.

Become a member of the Swiss Club St Petersburg button

Membership Level

October through May
(Schedual Change Pending)

To view upcoming event information please visit the Members area.

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For information or suggestions e-mail Heinz Gasser

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Official website of Switzerland Tourism

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Top 10 Swiss foods – with recipes

American Swiss Club Listings



Meetings: The Swiss and friends of Switzerland in St. Petersburg - Clearwater - Tampa area of Florida meet for lunch Oct though May (see sidebar for dates).   

We also have a Spring Picnic and Luncheons celebrating August 1st, Switzerland's National Day and Christmas. Guests are always welcome.

Membership is open to persons of Swiss descent and to friends of Switzerland.

Additional meeting information can be found on the Members section of our club website prior to the event. Please check there for venue and agenda, etc.

Join us for the Swiss Club Fall picnic!

invitation Swiss Club Fall picinc Nov 8 11:45 AM, Philippe Park Shelter 1, Potluck

Bring your non-alcoholic beverage and a dish to pass and share. Meat will be provided.

Contact Lisa Roberts to confirm your reservation and the dish you will bring.

*To access the Member portion of the website, please contact the webmaster or visit the member area to request admission. This is a secured area as personal member contact information can be found there.

Call Lisa Roberts, Event Coordinator (352) 688-9068 (or email Ed Wirth) to ensure your reservation or email Lisa at gardl101@aol.com on or before Wednesday, prior to the event.

More details on the Member Events Page.

Pre-Pay now to secure your Luncheon Reservation


Standard Luncheon Reservations:

Member Attendees

Special Event Luncheon Reservations:

Guest Attendees

Note: If you have more than one child please indicate the number of children under 12 when making your payment or email: jfroehlich@ameritech.net.      

Important Newz:

(That was a typo but I think I'll keep it. *wink*)

Swiss federal votes on June 9: what’s on the agenda?

Two initiatives aimed at limiting healthcare costs will take centre stage when Swiss voters go to the polls on June 9. Citizens will also decide on a new energy law and on a proposal to cement in law the right to refuse vaccination.

EU flags

Swiss Politics/ Katy Romy

The relentless increase in the cost of mandatory health insurance is a major concern for the Swiss population. As a result, political parties are now trying to address the issue, and on June 9, two separate initiatives are on the voting agenda.

One of the people’s initiatives, launched by the left-wing Social Democratic Party, wants to limit the cost of health insurance premiums to 10% of a household’s income. To achieve this, it proposes that the state pick up the slack with subsidies whenever somebody exceeds this proportion. According to the plan, at least two-thirds of the new financial help would come from the federal budget, with the rest being paid by the country’s 26 cantons.

Above all, the Social Democrats want to help those who are currently struggling to pay their health insurance bills. However, it also aims to level the playing field: subsidies in this area already exist to some degree, but their amount differs considerably from region to region.

Read more

The membership dues are collected on or before January 31st each year. Annual dues are $20.00 per person.
For information call Ed Wirth or email webmaster@swissclubstpetersburg.com

To download the application for memebership click here.

Be sure to visit our Videos page!

Sept Birthdays & Anniversaries

4 Jay Burkey
22 Caspar & Colleen Blattmann

Oct Birthdays & Anniversaries

24 Pia Schnelli
19 Ed & Mary Wirth

Nov Birthdays & Anniversaries

5 Jean Froehich

Dec Birthdays & Anniversaries

Ed Wirth
Bill Froehich

Note: If you don't see your birthday or anninverary listed and would like to please email webmaster@swissclubstpetersburg.com.